Dr. Maria Montessori, internationally renowned child educator, was originally a medical doctor who brought scientific methods of observation, experimentation, and research in the study of children, development and education. As a doctor, Montessori came in belief that many of the problems of the children she was working with, were educational rather than medical. In examining education she felt that children were not achieving their potential because education was not based upon science. Her first step then, was to attempt to abandon preconceived ideas about education and to begin studying children, their development and process of learning through scientific methods of observation and experimentation. In doing so, she made what she considered to be a number of startling discoveries. Through her research, she discovered that children possessed different and higher qualities than those we usually attribute to them. Among these qualities are:
a) Amazing Mental Concentration
b) Love of Repetition
c) Love of Order
d) Freedom of Choice
e) Children Prefer Work to Play
f) No Need for Rewards and Punishment
g) The Children Refuse Sweets
h) Lovers of Silence
i) Sense of Personal Dignity
j) Desire to Read and Write
Montessori Teacher Training Academy was established in 2009 to follow the grass roots of Maria Montessori through offline mode only, where students need more practical exposure than theoretical as Teacher is a backbone of education system.